Your Town Councillors and Town Clerk are always looking to work on new projects to make Aspatria a lovely place to live, work or visit. Please see below what we have been up to and what we are working towards:
I hope that all residents of Aspatria have had a lovely Christmas and that 2025 is a year that brings good fortune and good health.
We welcomed several new councillors over the last twelve months and have also been sorry to see others leave.
A new town Caretaker commenced his duties in early March.
Councillors have attended training courses to ensure matters are being carried out in the correct manner.
The council van has undergone a facelift so that it is highly noticeable.
The council website is being constantly updated so that it can be readily accessed to inform the townspeople of events that have been arranged.
As Mayor I have represented Aspatria at other towns’ Mayoral civic services and also the Judges service which was held in Carlisle Cathedral at the invitation of the High Sheriff of Cumbria.
Our own Aspatria civic service was held at St. Kentigern’s church during September where I was invited by the Reverend Matt Richards to unveil a portrait of King Charles. A second portrait was obtained by the Town Clerk and was presented to the Masonic Hall for them to display.
The historic Bray lamp has undergone restoration thanks to the efforts of the Town Caretaker and the Town Clerk. A ceremony was held on the 6TH June where I was asked to switch on the lamp to commemorate the 80TH anniversary of the D Day landings.
During August the senior citizens trip to Durham was enjoyed by all who attended.
On Remembrance Sunday a parade was held during which poppy wreaths were laid at the memorial park gates and a service in St. Kentigern’s church followed.
In the Autumn an overnight storm severely damaged several trees in the town’s memorial park to the extent that following an inspection by tree surgeons the trees had to be drastically cut back to ensure the safety of all those who use the park.
During the summer, Cumberland Council completed the refurbishment of the town’s Library and it was re-opened as a Library/Community Hub. Cumberland Council gave permission for the Aspatria Mayors’ noticeboard to be displayed within the Lawson room of the library.
Improvements to the town included updated security CCTV installations and thanks to Councillor Thurlow the re-surfacing of the Jubilee footpath.
Going forward the Town Clerk is looking into the installation of an outdoor gym in the town memorial park and also a Ninja trail equipment funded by the National Lottery.
As the towns Christmas lights have been the same for numerous years it was decided to concentrate the lights this year in the towns Market Square.
The lights switch on took place on Sunday 1st December including an event in Beacon Hill school hall together with fair rides on the school car park for the children to enjoy.
The Town Clerk and the Town Caretaker are to be thanked for the effort that they have put in to arrange all of this.
Thanks go to Beacon Hill school for allowing the use of their facilities and also to Holmen (Iggesund) for providing two Christmas trees which were installed at the Market Square and also Queen Street car park.
The yearly senior citizens treat took place on Tuesday 10TH December when over 130 people attended. Thanks go to Gwen Atkinson who provided the catering, the Masonic Hall for the venue, Richmond Hill school for the choir and all the local businesses and individuals who provided the raffle prizes.
The Christmas lights window free draw will take place in January 2025 with many excellent prizes.
In conclusion the town council are fully committed to continue with improving facilities for the townspeople of Aspatria.
The Town Clerk can be contacted by using the information on the council website or by e-mail at
Stephanie Maxwell (Mayor)
Aspatria Town Council